Monday, June 30, 2008

Punxsutawney Phil

I thought I'd start off this post by giving you, the reader, a rare glimpse inside a typical day in the life of a man of leisure. It is, to borrow a line from a fellow member of this exclusive, unemployment check collecting Groundhog Day. I'm sure many of you currently employed folks remember back to the days of summer breaks or maybe even a lucky few of you were able to finagle that 10 day vacation 5 years ago some point during that furlough...errr time off, you started to lose track of things...little the day of the week, for instance or your work computer log in/password. It's really quite natural, if you come to think of it - unless if you have something specific planned, there really is no reason to know what day it is. I'd argue that knowing the day of the week is actually superfluous information, particularly in the age of DVRs when you are assured to watch, at your leisure, whatever shows you want whenever you want.

However, while I will vigorously argue that losing track of days, weeks or even months is quite minor and nothing to be scared of, there is one major untoward effect of this condition - weekends lose all their splendor. The relief of leaving work on a Friday afternoon is a feeling that is truly unparalleled and, sadly, it's a feeling of euphoria that men of leisure quickly lose. Now some will argue that every day is your weekend, but I would respectfully, no, in fact, disrespectfully, disagree with that logic. It's just the not same feel going out on a random Monday's not the same's not the same packs of guys and girls looking to, in one way or another, unwind after a hard week's work. It's actually a rather depressing scene. I don't want to be Norm from Cheers...I don't want to be that guy that literally stands outside the bar until it opens at 12 pm and proceeds to take up shop on his corner stool for the next 9 hours. I've tried that doesn't suit me.

Which brings me to Punxsutawney Phil - every day really becomes Groundhog day in this life of leisure, no matter how much you try to keep yourself busy. I think few people realize the amount of dead time there is during the day. Let me give you a perfect example - a typical day for me would be as follows:

Wake up: 7 am. (Fair warning, that internal clock you've had running if you've worked more than 5+ years keeps on ticking.)

Get up: there's usually a bathroom trip involved and some brief internet surfing to catch up on all things going on that you are, of course, no longer a part of.

Realization: the realization mode usually sets in about 8's the realization that there's really no good reason to be up so the only sensible thing to do is crawl back into bed. One caveat though: investing in high quality window shades/curtains is essential, particularly during the summer months. Nothing starts a day off worse than returning for the second phase of your sleep only to be thwarted by the blinding high beams of the summer sun.

Hunger: hunger pangs tend to set in about 10-11 am, often necessitating immediate action. That's when Seamless Web comes to the rescue. I'm not a morning person so the ability to avoid almost all human contact while receiving vital nourishment in a less than 20 minutes is, without exaggeration, the work of angels.

Setting a goal: after breakfast I've begun to get into the habit of setting at least one goal to accomplish during the day. Do laundry, buy toilet paper, see a movie...something along these lines...i'm a big proponent of setting expectation bars low enough that one can trip over them, but whatever the goal may be, however ambitious it may seem, it becomes my version of work...sort of the methadone treatment to prevent complete withdrawal symptoms. The need to feel productive does not disappear, this i have learned, the engine that drives that productivity may only be in first gear, but it's still there.

By this time, it's typically goal is usually squarely in site, but you can't just run out and knock that errand, etc off list right away. No...that would be imprudent. This is typically when a couch nap is scheduled, particularly given the lack of anything worth watching on TV. That said, I do find shows like the Price is Right of Jerry Springer the perfect ambient noise to help lull me back into a much needed and well earned power nap. Now, this nap is a tricky one as it is often influenced by how late you stayed up to watch Samuel L Jackson kill some snakes on a plane. I'll get to that later, of course, but it's not uncommon to have that nap turn into a mini sleep, with the clock now likely in the 3-4 pm range, which is perfect timing to accomplish your prespecified goals and also get your daily allowance of contact with other human beings.

Goal Accomplished, Rewards are in Order: rewarding oneself in the life of leisure usually involves either food or alcohol; some members of the club often combine both, though I tend to stick to one or the other....I'm a little guy...I can't do what the big guys do.

6 pm on: usually good enough programming on or internet surfing available to pass the next several hours. The real problems begin after 10 or 11, when it becomes abundantly clear that the two naps you've taken have completely thrown off your sleep schedule and you finally resign yourself to the fact that sleep won't come before 3 am, if you are lucky. On a bad day, you can see the sun rises early folks...5:20 ish...let's just say the whole seeing the sunrise is cool phenomenon loses its luster. Quickly.

There you have it folks. I've kept it fairly general but string about 5 or 6 of these together and you're well on your way to an honorary membership in the life of leisure club....


In our next post, we tackle the Middle East Issue and our pathway to peace...

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