Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Getting a Little More Personal: Me and Danielle

This is going to be a fairly short entry, but what it lacks in length, I believe it makes up for in sincerity. As you may know, in my last post, I introduced our uninitiated readers to some of the most sacred components of the Men of Leisure Society...dare I say, they are our Holy Sacrament. Today, I'll shift gears a bit and draw back the curtain on a more personal level.

I think the most appropriate place to begin is to tell you just a little (I don't want to embarrass her nor does she need any more stalkers) about the lady in my life because she's proven, without fail, to always be there with a comforting embrace in these recently difficult times. This post is a thank you of sorts, to her. She has and will continue to be my foundation . She is as solid as the tallest stack of bricks, strong from top to bottom and has shown herself able to protect me during these stormy days. She can be both warm when I'm feeling my coldest and yet with what seems like just a flip of button, can provide a cool hand when I get a bit hot-headed. She's truly a remarkable woman....and her name is...Danielle. Danielle, all I can say, is thank you...

Here she is...click on the pictures to absorb her full effect...


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