Monday, July 14, 2008

Re: Comment from Reader on Previous Post

I'm posting this entry in response to the comment...better yet, the inaugural comment, received here at the DoD on my previous post. We encourage comments from our reader(s). They make good fodder for conversation, but really they just make me feel good about myself. So keep them coming , although in the future, please try to leave my identity anonymous (i.e. don't use my name.) I believe my anonymity projects a "man of mystery" aura, which we all agree adds to the appeal of the blog and of course, me. Or not.

So, for those of you who missed the comment, here it is:
Anonymous said...

I see that no one has commented on your blog, so here is your first "poke." Any hopes of bringing back the "Summer of Mat?"

MJB Responds:
  1. Thank you, Anonymous, for both your comment and your interest in the Diary of the Downsized. I hope life is treating you well and that the electric shock treatments for your stuttering condition have begun to take hold.
  2. Regarding your inquiry on the status of the "Summer of Mat," I have to say, I hadn't given it much thought with all the comings and goings the last several months. But, now that you mention it, I'll consult with my Cabinet (I have a solid's pine, I believe) and we'll toss the idea around. I like the idea, personally, so don't be surprised if you hear more about it in the not too distant future.
  3. I don't have a point #3, but I've been taught that any list must have at least three items, and preferably a total number that is odd, rather than even. This latter point I do not understand, but that's apparently what they teach consultants at McKinsey and I've been unable (and unwilling to expend the energy) to come up with a good counter-argument to date, so I submit to the will of McKinsey on this one.
I suspect the majority of this blog's readership is unfamiliar with the "Summer of Mat" so let me try to explain. Essentially, it's a celebration, or actually I think it's better described as a pronouncement of the beginning of a celebration, which, coincidentally, tends to coincide with the coming of the summer season. As the title suggests, the focal point of the event is this Mat character, but don't take that to mean that it's an entirely selfish endeavor. I mean, the end game is certainly selfish - Mat reveling in good times...think something thematically similar to the below, but with a different cast.

You'll notice that everyone is enjoying themselves so in theory, Mat's good times are not explicitly designed to be at the expense of others. There is also a party thrown to mark the start of the "Summer of Mat," but in reality, every day that follows is a party, so think of it as a holiday like Hanukkah. You get a present every day; most days the presents are modest and are often overlooked as presents at all, but every so often Hanukkah Harry drops you a big present, which leaves you in a state of wonderment and delight. So that's really the big picture idea behind the "Summer of Mat." The daily, behind the scenes machinations that keep the wheels turning on this magical mystery bus tour are best left for future posts, but I suggest you start getting your bags packed, because I just found the keys to the bus and all she needs are a few twists and turns under the hood before we are ready to roll. Oh, and don't worry, she runs on 100%, Eco-friendly, nuclear gas guzzling here. And I'm looking into the possibility of installing a catalytic midget converter as a power source for the engine. I'll let you know how that goes. (see below post for background on the midget commentary...)


Unknown said...

Despite your earlier denial, please tell me that the entire cast of that video will be attending the Summer of Mat. It needs to happen.

JT said...

I think the entire cast of that video are now scientologists.

MJB said...

Religious fanaticism aside, I believe Messrs. Smith and Townes may in fact be touring this summer in promotion of the film,, I wonder if Jazzy Jeff and Kid n' Play sit around lamenting what could have been...?

Anonymous said...

MJB - you disclosed your name with the facebook link in the Danielle need to post this comment. I would edit the Danielle post...

MJB said... are so right. Perhaps that's why you are employed and I am not.